Beacon Church is proud to be part of the Walk of Witness. The Walk of Witness is an annual event that brings Christians from different denominations together to tell our community the Good News at Easter. We meet at the heart of the diverse community of Handsworth to actively take part in the Good Friday Walk of Witness.
Our Fellowship Groups are there to help you to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. They provide opportunity for mutual support, prayer, Bible study and for working together to find creative ways to share the love and message of Jesus Christ with our community. In the Community, our Fellowship Groups meet in homes during the week and aim to get out into the community to care and to share the hope we have.
This is the second year of running the Drop In. It is a voluntary group that meet every two weeks on a Wednesday in the Beacon Church building. The doors open between 11 am and 2pm for the community to drop in and stay for as long or short a time they choose. It is a space that provides advice, activities, friends to talk with, prayer if required, lunch, drinks, and warmth!
Here at Beacon Church, some members have been involved in Hands Outstretched, which is an inter-denominational Handsworth School Outreach that presents in assemblies of infant and Junior Schools. Hands Outstretched is often presented at Christmas and Easter through Drama, Puppetry, Singing and Miming to demonstrate the Love of Jesus Christ to everyone in the community.
Hands Outstreched

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Beacon EvangelicalChurch
47 Sandwell Road
West Midlands
B21 8NH
Church Office Tel. 01215515232
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